Uploading Instructions

This page will provide you with step by step instructions on configuring your CDE Software Bowling Tournament Manager (BTM) Software Program for uploading your Tournament Results to TournamentResults.com.

Make sure you input each bowlers email address into the bowlers profile within BTM. We will then automatically send them an email stating that their tournament results are available on our website.

If you upload for multiple tournaments, use the same email and password for each tournament you will be uploading for. You will, however, need to obtain a different TournamentID for each Tournament you upload for. Instructions for obtaining a TournamentID are provided below.

PLEASE NOTE: You must always be on the most current MAJOR (2017, 2019, etc.) version of BTM; currently BTM 2019 (version 19.04.04 with a release date of 06/17/19 or later), in order to upload your data to TournamentResults.com. Once a new major version is released, you will not be able to upload with any older versions after 30 days from the release date of the new version.

Configure your BTM program for uploading

  1. Within the BTM program, open the Tournament you would like to upload the data for.
  2. Click on the tab labeled "Setup" at the top of the screen, then select "Upload Settings".
  3. Click on TournamentResults.com on the upper left.
  4. For each event of your Tournament, select the bowling center where the Tournament is held. You can click on the "Select Center to use for every event" button if all of your events are held at the same bowling center.
  5. Enter your registered email address and password that you used to register for an account on TournamentResults.com. If you do not already have an account, Register for an account.
  6. Click on the "Get Tournament ID" button.
  7. Close the page.

You are now all set up to upload to TournamentResults.com.

Uploading your data

  1. Within the BTM program, open the Tournament you would like to upload the data for.
  2. To ensure your data is good, click on "Utilities", then "Recompute Tournament".
  3. Click on the tab labeled "Tournament" at the top of the screen, then select "Upload Tournament to Website(s)".
  4. Click on the "Upload to TournamentResults" button on the right.

Within about 10 - 15 minutes from doing the above, your data will be available on TournamentResults.com and emails will be sent to all bowlers that you entered an email address for in your BTM program..

When to upload your data

  1. Once you have the Tournament dates confirmed, set up your events and squads within BTM, then upload your data. This information will then be used to advertise your Tournament on TournamentResults.com and our sister site, LeagueSecretary.com under the all bowling centers that your events are located in.
  2. After you have all the bowlers registered and assigned to their squads, upload your data again. This will enable the bowlers to know what squads they are in.
  3. After each squad is complete, upload the results so that bowlers can follow along the progress of the Tournament.
  4. Once the Tournament is complete, upload the final results.

Restarting a Tournament

Each Tournament you run will require a new Tournament ID. If you do not restart your Tournament correctly within BTM, you WILL corrupt previously uploaded data.

  1. Open the Tournament that you would like to restart.
  2. Click on the tab labeled "Utilities" at the top of the screen, then select "Reset Tournament (Different Elements)".
  3. On the "Options for Resetting" screen, select "All Squads", "Registrations", and "All Financial", then click on the "OK" button.
  4. On the "Are you sure you want to reset Tournament" screen, click on the "Yes" button.
  5. On the "It appears you are attempting to RESTART" screen, click on the "OK" button.
  6. On the "Do you want to RESTART this Tournament" screen, click on the "Yes - Do it!" button.
  7. Entger all the new Events and Squads for the new Tournament.
  8. Go back up to the "Configure your BTM program for uploading" portion of this page for instructions on obtaining a Tournament ID for the new Tournament.
  9. Start uploading your results as described above.